Just last week in Marshalls, I saw diffusers and essential oils labeled for sleep at deeply discounted prices. Essential oils are as mainstream now as boxed mac and cheese. The problem is that stores are now catering to this growing essential oil trend with synthetic junk manufactured in some chemist's lab. The oils may smell good to the user, but that is about it. It probably won't even help you sleep, and the smell is probably not even real.
True essential oils have been around since Jesus, and they had medicinal purposes. Real essential oils do not have synthetic anything in it. A buyer needs to buy essential oils reputable companies that are in the essential oil and/or aromatherapy business, or spas. Ebay, Amazon, the drug store, health food stores or your local commercialized home good store is not the best place to buy true essential oils.

I have friends who make lice spray, bug spray, detangler, and DIY beauty regimens. Even I have made my own bug spray. I have two diffusers and diffuse several blends. I use Young Living products and I use them because I trust its seed to seal guarantee. Yes, I have my favorite oils now. I love peppermint and lime together. It smells like a mojito. I love the blend called
Abundance, and
R.C. when my nose is stopped up. When I'm cleaning, I like
Citrus Fresh, Lemon,
Thieves, and Grapefruit. Each one of these oils has specific uses. And one of the best places where you can learn more is on
health/informational websites. Some of the oils came in my diffuser starter kit, and that is how I learned about them.
I looked at my son's report card today and he had no absences this year. He said, "Mom, I really wasn't sick this year.". He's right. He had a slight bug in the fall and that was it.
My daughter had strep throat and missed school a few days. Other than the strep visit, we went to the doctor for well visits aside from a few specialists where we are under their medical care.
I have rid our lifestyle of toxins and am eating fresh foods. I try to cut out processed foods out of our diets as much as possible. I am diffusing oils in my home that are quality and are known to have health and wellness benefits. Has it made a difference in our lives? I think so.
I diffuse quality essential oils, and I've eliminated toxins in our personal care products. Those are some of the steps I've taken in the past year.
I am by no means have 100 percent clean living in any way, but this is the lifestyle I have decided I want to live. I do drink wine. I will indulge in a dessert, and I live life to the fullest.
At the same time, I also enjoy knowing that the products I am buying and using are safe with no toxic chemicals in them.
A lot of people aren't educated on essential oils and may even roll their eyes when someone says essential oils, but I stand by my decision to be a Young Living member with confidence. I have done my research and have taken this past year to learn. I have several friends who are members. I earn points back on the money I spend, and I buy essential oil infused products regularly more than I actually buy essential oils. After much research and cost comparisons, I use Young Living's
Probiotic, and
Super B tablets regularly and they think they are the best bargains out there, even at retail prices.
Why do I use Young Living instead of another company? A friend introduced me to Young Living first and that is how I became familiar with their products. It's that simple. I didn't choose one over another. It's just what I started with first and have been a pleased customer.
I also like being able to have an online store with an online support group. With the company's voluntary program,
Essential Rewards perks, I am able to save money on my purchases. They have a blog and it gives me ideas on uses.
This is why I am a Young Living Member and use essential oils. I save 24 percent on my purchases, and buy what I want and need whenever I want. I enrolled in Essential Rewards to get points back on my purchases. Joining as a member is also risk-free - you don't have to signup for any kind of shipments.
I have energy and feel good. I'm a 47-year-old mom with two kids under the age of 10. I need all the energy I can get. Super B, I love you!
And here is a little bonus. Young Living rewards members who give referrals. It's an online store with an extensive catalog. The company passes the money they save on advertising to its consumer. It's not a special blogger perk. It is available to all customers who are members. It can be available to you.
If join as my referral, you will receive a great essential oils reference book and the opportunity to be in a special Facebook group for the EnjoyLifeOils family.
Photos from
Enjoy Life Oils, Young Living, and Oily Families. Disclosure: Affiliate links where income could possibly be generated. Opinions about Young Living and Essential Oils are my own.
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